Yuri!!! on Ice Wikia

Anya (Russian: Аня; Japanese: アンャ, Anya) is a figure skater and the ex-girlfriend of Georgi Popovich who is his inspiration for skating as he uses their break-up as stimuli for his Grand Prix programs.


Anya has wavy chest-length dark-brown hair that has bangs usually hanging on the left or right side, brown eyes with long eyelashes, faint freckles and she is always seen with red lips.


Georgi Popovich[]

Georgi is Anya's ex-boyfriend who left him for another man that left him bitter and desperate to get her back.

She does not appear to care for his current feelings.


Anya is the short form of Anna.

  • The name Anya means "Gracious, Merciful" in Russian, which is ironic considering how Anya remains heartless (displaying a complete lack of feeling or consideration) towards Georgi Popovich even after she dumped him.
    • Gracious means courteous, kind, and pleasant.
    • Merciful means showing or exercising mercy (Similar: forgiving, compassionate, gracious, lenient, clement, pitying, forbearing, humane, mild, softhearted, tenderhearted, kind/kindly, sympathetic, patient, humanitarian, liberal, easygoing, permissive, tolerant, indulgent, generous, magnanimous, beneficent, benign/benignant, benevolent, show mercy to/have mercy on/have pity on, spare, pardon, forgive, let off, be lenient on/to deal - leniently with).


  • Ayna's Instagram account is Anya.